Hope & Healing

Happy Monday!

Recently I’ve been thinking about what Cygnet Stitchery stands for and what I want it to be in the future. I started it with the belief that if Cygnet only reached 1 person, to give them the hope that they need to keep their head held high during times of trial, then Cygnet has completed its mission.  I believe that has already happened.  Which makes me so very happy!


Since the inception of Cygnet Stitchery in October 2018, a total of 23 Hope & Healing makeup bags have been donated to Safe Connections, a non-profit who provides free care before, during, and after domestic and sexual abuse. And, I could not be prouder or more ecstatic that we have been able to donate so much already! These handmade bags are filled with products that are meant to uplift, inspire, and comfort the women who receive them. 

Twenty-three women will, hopefully, see that they are not alone, that they are heard, and most of all, LOVED.  Loved with a love so strong that it gives them hope for their future. A love so deep that it keeps them fighting through the subsequent mental health instability that may possibly come as a result of the abuse. A love so unconditional that they one day will see their self-worth.

THIS is what I want Cygnet Stitchery to look like- I want it to be synonymous with Hope & Healing. I want it to support the programs and organizations that provide safe havens, education, healing, and LOVE to those who have experienced abuse, trafficking, mental illness, and poverty. And, I want Cygnet Stitchery to support YOU as well!


With all of this in mind, Cygnet will be expanding the Hope & Healing bag program in two forms:


First,  several individuals have contacted me regarding sending the bag out anonymously to a few of their own designated recipients.  Which, with coordinated efforts, we have been able to do that very thing!  I want to continue supporting your efforts in providing hope and healing to the women in your lives. So, the Hope & Healing Makeup bag will now be available to purchase and will be sent directly & anonymously (if you wish) to your recipient of choice. For more information regarding how to do this, you can find it on the Hope & Healing product page.


Second, quite a few of you have sent me notes to give to the women who receive the Hope & Healing Makeup Bags.  Which has been so inspiring to see anonymous donors give so much love.  Therefore, I want to start a new initiative.  It will be called Write Love, Give Hope. 


It's simple, it's inexpensive, and it's effective. 


You write a note of inspiration and hope, then mail it to me.  I will then send it either in a Hope & Healing Makeup Bag that I donate to Safe Connections, or I will collect 20+ notes and send them to various non-profits who have women entering their doors looking for hope & healing.  You can find more detailed information regarding Write Love, Give Hope here.  


AND to continue these initiatives, I NEED YOUR HELP! If I am to expand this program, I would love to know your thoughts on what you think should be in the bag.  Please post your thoughts below! The more the ideas the better! You can see what's already included in the bag here.


Thank you for your time!  YOU guys are THE best!  I am so excited about these new initiatives and I hope you are too.


Best Wishes for a great week!





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